
Elise and the Living

I got a note from Elise yesterday. She’s a fine young friend, a former colleague and presently doing a university year overseas in Rotterdam. (Elise’s parents are from the northern part of the Netherlands, Friesland, so this was also a return to the ancestral homeland.) She is an outstanding person, someone I’ll be watching over the next few decades and whom I want my children to know.

Elise is a woman who reaches out for the knowledge and experience that only come with hunger and openness. One of her educational adventures came last year through participating in the Holocaust memorial called The March of the Living. Our family hosts a regular youth-friendly meeting of those seeking to learn more about the Bahá’í teachings, but we gave Elise the floor after her return because her experience was a powerful one and her desire to share it was equally strong. (I wrote an essay about that evening, which can be found in this site’s “On Second Thought” section, or by clicking here.)

Elise wanted to share with all of us a brief  video account of her experience last spring, and I hope you’ll take a look via the above link. It’s well worth the three minutes it’ll take, and you’ll briefly meet Elise and get a slice of what she shared with us last June. Tikkam Olam.  Repair the world.