
Better Read Than Never

I once described myself as an “accidental reader”, and it’s even clearer now. I have my lists, my piles, my really shoulds, and believe me, I really mean to be faithful. But they are usually trumped by the book (magazine, email, billboard, menu…) that flirts and flounces into my sight. Goodbye to faithfulness, and hello serendipity.

Yes, even my reading is erotically charged. Sure. What this actually means is that I don’t read what’s current. I’m too time-stingy to give those hours to writing that hasn’t yet shown some endurance, and too darned cheap to buy new and full-priced books. The Used Bookstore Syndrome. Coming soon, therefore, to this space: a semi-regular but entirely unscheduled look at reading that I finally get around to. Better Read Than Never. (Bonus books in the great book of life to anyone who writes to unpack the delicious blend of clichés underpinning this title. I am Title Guy. What am I saying? Bonus points to ANYBODY who writes me!)

Coming soon will a quick look at The Myth of Ability. Nice.